One thought on “Cheryl: Exercise One”

  1. Please note that the posters can be amended on a weekly basis, with the final iteration being the one submitted through the AA submission portal. In fact, it is advisable that you amend posters based on feedback received, in weekly comments via the blog, the Jury, and (later) tutorials. The weekly submissions are required precisely so that this feedback can be provided and acted upon.
    This submission consists of two posters – this is satisfactory. Please note that the first poster you have submitted works less successfully as a poster. In this module we will be working with a format that you might be less used to. As this is a valuable skill (learning to convey information in competition-like posters), you are encouraged to try to work in this way. For example, in the first poster, the information about the topography and geology that you have presented as paragraphs, could be presented in a visual way. Of course, this will take more work than copying and pasting text, but BE SELECTIVE. You can have a course diary in a word document in your computer, where you keep this text / information you have obtained in text form, and focus a little bit of energy on illustrating the ESSENTIAL information that will help you to move your project forward.
    The second poster is working much more successfully as a poster – I encourage you to continue working in this way. This poster needs a lot more captioning (focus perhaps on captioning rather than the text you have included at the bottom). Name the location, the roads, the vegetation, the inset images. Remember, each piece of work that you produce (in this course, and EVER) is an ANSWER to a QUESTION. So, what is the question? The answer is the poster.
    As you know, some students will come to present their work, so that you can get a better idea on how to work and improve your course output. Until March, we won’t be having 1-1 tutorials, so this feedback is very important to take onboard until then. If you have further questions about this feedback, please do not hesitate to get back in touch. P

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