Category: 2024
Ex 5 WIP
Ex 4 WIP
central congregation space- layout WIP
the idea is for people to centre around the hearth, and collect building materials for making the next temporary Ger during their pilgrimage, as well as assemble/ make different ger components, like weaving the wooden lattice for the gers.
The space of congregation also becomes a space for nomadic tribes and travellers to engage in conversation, collaborate and contemplate.
An implementation of a semi-permanent structure at a location where there is not already any existing permanent buildings may cause disagreement with locals.
The adaptation of the ger to become more permanent by infilling lattice with adobe may be disagreed with.
The use of granite may be challenging due to the limited machinery.
This contemplative space can be used as a gathering area for spiritual practice between locals and visitors.
The area can also be transformed into a hub for education, as well as where locals can teach their craftsmanship to any visitors.
What can we learn:
Perhaps this semi-permanent contemplation space does not need to have “permanence”, but celebrate the value of temporariness and the local nomadic lifestyle.
exercise 4- wip
Base – the base is made up of granite piles, extracted from the nearby mountain and cylindrical shapes carved out to allow the found metal rods to slot in.
(not shown) platform – will be made of manure mixed with dry grass and weeds
(not shown) lattice/wall structure – the lattice will be made from wood collected from the nearest forest area (approx 1.5hours on foot). A mixture of manure and dry grass (adobe) will be used to infill the lattice to create a more permanent structure and increase the insulation. Optionally, in winter, a sheet of canvas or animal skin will be placed over the structure as an extra later of insulation.
(not shown) rope – ropes left by rock climbers will be used to tighten the walls further, preventing it from opening outwards. Additionally, it will also be used to connect the pieces of wood for the lattice.
roof structure TBC
WEEK 3 – notes for contemporary case study
This Mongolian yurt is in Hooke Park! It was a second hand purchase from a man who used it to travel around Mongolia for 15 years. It takes 2 people to put up the structure in 1 hour, and another 1-2 hours for the canvas cover.